Wednesday, February 9, 2011

1625 in the afternoon

It was when i was going for my squash practice that i realised even though i love the game i never feel elated by the mere thought of going for the game. The practice has become a part of my schedule. Amidst all this so called newly acquired, 'on my own' freedom feeling i have had to pay something very dear. I couldn't possibly go to the court with my brain in this 'does my life suck' mode, so i put a brake to my ride, sat beneath a tree and dived into my portable personal pensieve. All memories of my homework doing flushed my mind. The scale and pencil in hand, eye on the time piece, ears aching for the shout o' my mates', brain forming the football strategies and heart already savouring the jubilance of another victory. My favourite question- Maa if i could do my HomeWork later plzzz, followed by her condescending question, and the reason for that is???because Maa its 1630. This was out daily regime and no conversation in those days could lift my spirits more or make me feel better. Smug if we won the game, explanations & reasons, accounting the instances of  'cheating' when we lost it. Fatigued yet contended but dreading the feel to return home after 1900 and recounting every kick and save to Maa while eating excruciatingly slowly the bread with Bournvita milk coz i knew what fate awaits me after that on the study table. And again contemplating about the game for another half hour before Maa comes to have a peep in.

Gradually the habit of asking for permission morphed into merely informing her and our conversation got lost in time. Sometimes i still try reconstructing The conversation with my roomie but the condescending tone is missing in his voice.

**dedicated to my Maa

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

An Afternoon Coffee

There are all kinds of people who go to a coffee shop. The lucky ones are those who go there with an eye candy, the unlucky ones are those who tag along with the lucky ones and finally there are the posh, swanky and aristocratic who go alone and only for the sake of coffee, like me. And this third category is not a cover up for those who r not in the first category and still have enough honour to not be among the ones in the second category. I have always heard, cherished and sometimes even envied the phrase-enjoyed over a cup of coffee. The conversation going well, u remain intrigued only by the talks, the conversation going foul, who cares for the damn coffee.

I am a big fan of coffee and it really pains me when, forget about the lucky ones even my 'unlucky' friends do not know how to drink coffee. I mean what other things have they to do in a coffee shop if not the coffee. As far as i am concerned i enjoy the coffee without sugar, the sugar alters the taste of the coffee, don't forget to take in and ponder with close eyes on the all important aroma. Start doing this and i m sure coffee will cease being just a something to wake up or may be the thing over which you enjoy your conversations. Drinking coffee is similar to drinking wine, its not just the manufacturer who instill in the taste but u also got to play an equally imp part i.e learn how to drink.

I m not being paid to advertise coffee, no, its just that i wanted to stand in defence of the movie 'Dhobhi Ghaat' which many of my friends have condemned for being boring and unintelligible. Its a matter of perception as i found all the three stories to be blended in the movie very smoothly like the blend of steamed milk, milk froth and coffee in a cappuccino. Watch the movie all alone one afternoon and you can enjoy the tingling feeling, long time after the movie concludes similar to (even The Aamir Khan can't make a coffee substitute) the case of a coffee without sugar, a lingering titillating taste on the tongue.

P.S.- Although of course don't always delve in too much for the taste otherwise you will definitely hurt your chances of finding yourself lucky again.

**dedicated to all my friends especially Bharat Kumar, the man who given a chance will choose coffee over women.